Christmas fare is the highlight of the season, whether its canapés or dinner, Carandini’s gorgeous range of gourmet vinegars are the perfect complement to any entrée. Authentically Italian, Carandini’s hand-crafted vinegars are created according to an age-old family tradition.

Featured this Christmas is the classic and the unusual, Carandini’s Silver Leaf Organic Balsamic Vinegar is a medium-density Balsamic Vinegar, featuring well-rounded flavor, typical mahogany color and rich perfume. This highly versatile vinegar is an excellent companion for salads, vegetables, meat, fish and of course, vinaigrettes.

For a different twist on the run-of-the-mill vinegar, enchanting Bianca Sweet White Vinegar is delicate and sweet. Made from the same ingredients as Carandini’s Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, the concentrated grape must and wine vinegar offers fruity and fresh notes. Bianca’s versatility makes it a brilliant companion for meat, fish, vegetables and even, ice cream.

Carandini Bianca Sweet White Vinegar, $17.45, Carandini Silver Leaf Organic Balsamic Vinegar, $8.99. Discover Carandini at