By Alia Dodin
Photos courtesy of Cacique & Michael Saab
The concept of love has existed for centuries and is the strongest positive emotion that humans possess. Defined as an intense feeling of deep affection, love is so much more than a dictionary definition. It has created vivid tales in history, conquered new frontiers and established traditions and of course, given life to the most remarkable people in the history of mankind.

For many couples, the ultimate commitment is marriage and the wedding ceremony is the apex of their relationship and commencement of their life together. Romance is a key component in a relationship throughout the ‘life’ of a connection of couples.

On the big day, elements such as love notes and gifts between the couple is a great way to kick off the romance of a wedding. Mounts and mounts of fresh roses, candles, music and amazing decor sets the ‘stage’ for uber romance and love. – SM