The desire of women to be more beautiful and alluring is as ancient as time itself. The first to use nature’s plethora of flora and fauna to enhance their features were ancient Egyptians. Numerous Egyptian tombs contain rudimentary makeup canisters and kits, it was also the Egyptians that introduced the donning of kohl under the eyes.
Kohl is synonymous with Egyptian civilization and idiosyncratic nuances. Another of their inventions is red lipstick, which in its basic form derived its hue from ground carmine beetles. For more natural looking lips women used clay mixed with water, desire is one of the seeds of innovation.

Taking makeup into the modern era, the brand that has become a permanent part of my makeup routine is Wander Beauty – I adore the entire wanderess experience. Wander Beauty’s collection is simply classy, high-end and gorgeous on the skin.

The three Wander Beauty products that are my must-haves are the award-winning Play All Day Translucent Powder, (this powder is amazing, it’s a lush makeup puff is infused with glorious powder – this is a wow staple!), Baggage Claim Eye Masks and Mile High Club Mascara – it literally opens up your eyes and creates soaring lashes. No matter the season or the Bliss List in Soirée, Wander Beauty is always one of my beloved brands.
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