Ubiquitous in the tropical regions of the world, the humble, but, delectable coconut has an endless array of benefits for the palate, skin, hair and teeth, in addition to being an essential part of the global ecosystem.
Conscious Coconut, (a clean skincare brand), is passionate and committed to creating products made with love, so you can create a life filled with love. The brand’s latest launch Conscious Coconut Oil is not the run-of-the-mill oil, this award-winning coconut oil is packaged in a recyclable glass jar sealed with a vegan bamboo lid.

This gorgeously scented coconut oil features a host of amazing benefits such as being an antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory – these properties help promote total body health – inside and out. It also has Medium-Chain Triglycerides, (MCTs are the healthy fats that make up the oil component of a coconut) and Vitamin E. Conscious Coconut Oil, $28 – www.consciouscoconut.com